The AG is Trinitarian and holds the Bible as divinely inspired and the infallible authoritative rule of faith and conduct.
Inerrant in its original writing, the Bible is the only authoritative and infallible rule of faith and conduct for humanity.
Members of the Canadian and American Reformed Churches believe that the Bible is the infallible Word of God and the authoritative rule for all of life.
This essential guarantee, however, is only to be found in the unchangeable authoritative rule of Divine justice that binds man's conscience.
We believe and accept the entire Bible that in its original manuscripts are the inspired Word of God, the only infallible, authoritative rule of our faith and our conduct.
This consolidation of mujtahids into particular madhhabs prompted these groups to create their own distinct authoritative rules.
The Bible is their only authoritative rule of faith and practice.
Common law is based on precedents - decisions which are used as a guide, or as an authoritative rule, in later, similar cases.
The Bible is inspired by God and is "the infallible, authoritative rule of faith and conduct".
A popular uprising in 1969 cracked the central government's authoritative and suppressive rule.