The authorities arrested Aghajari, charged him with blasphemy, and jailed him.
In 1974 Mexican authorities arrested Matta for selling 10 kilos of cocaine.
The plot was foiled after Philippine authorities arrested accomplices and found a laptop computer that had information about the group's plans.
A1 Information about the 24 people British authorities arrested as suspects in the bombing plot remains sketchy.
Prosecutors requested the injunction after authorities arrested dozens of Mongols under a racketeering indictment.
Returning to his native Scania in 1699, he was located by authorities, arrested and executed.
Drug Ring Smashed The authorities arrested 100 suspects around the country, breaking up one of the largest methamphetamine rings in the nation.
In February 2009 the Venezuelan authorities arrested 11 suspects, including two associated with the synagogue, for robbery.
Almost a year after the interview was published by Reporter, Ethiopian authorities arrested 35 people suspected of involvement in a plot to overthrow the government.
On 12 April, the tension ran high after the authority arrested leaders of the red-shirts who stormed the summit site in Pattaya.