"Do you really expect the authorities to buy that?"
These authorities would then "buy" their agricultural produce at vastly reduced prices and use the surplus to invest in heavy industry.
In 1814 the cemetery was expanded as authorities bought additional land from a city resident.
The order also empowers the authorities to buy them back at the price they fetch at auction.
These authorities would then "buy" their agricultural produce at low prices and use the money they made to invest in heavy industry.
I think the authorities will buy it, since has an undeserved reputation for blowing away.
The Cuban authorities were certainly not buying it when they finally found me and the secret studio.
The new authority could then buy power from the "grid" at the current free-market prices.
The property the authority bought had been connected to the arena plan for years.
This authority would buy oil for the stockpile or sell from it to help stabilize prices.