Today, the authorities completed autopsies on the two women and began toxicology tests to determine the exact cause of death.
Its modest moral confirmations began when authority had completed its direction.
The local authority completed nil houses in 1991.
Recently (2011), the local authorities have completed negotiations with international travel agents for organizing regular charter flights starting from May 2012.
The local authority must complete the investigation and report back to the court within eight weeks unless the court directs otherwise.
This ruling was reversed in November 2010, but the two authorities still must complete a joint-operating agreement before freight service can begin.
Is there a set time-limit during which the authority must complete the validation process?
This would have been superfluous if the other authorities had completed their work in good time.
Construction could begin as soon as the authority completes the foundations on the eastern edge of the site, sometime next year.
Last October, after spending $140 million, the authority completed the installation of the system citywide.