In 1602, Japanese authorities decreed that all cats should be set free to help deal with rodents threatening the silk worms.
Following the Anschluss, the new authorities decreed that all non-Aryan state employees should be made redundant.
In their place, the new authorities are either reimposing old names or decreeing new ones that honor people who fit the West's view of heroism.
The authorities decreed that it would become a sort of everyman's Noh, performed by all-male casts in a vernacular but rigidly stylized form.
The new authority promptly decreed that developments in the first 74 acres of the 890-acre Marina South area would have to buy district cooling.
The local authorities decreed state of alert in the area until its shooting or, eventually, until bears vaccination against rabies.
At that time authorities decreed that 12 knights or "good and lawful men" out of every 104 men would decide who was suspected of public offenses.
Therefore the authorities decreed that they should suffer the most, disfigured, being forced to sell their own gods on the auction block.
'The authorities in their infinite wisdom have decreed that I run this department,' Dawlish said in a good-natured way.
Or spelling, unless some higher authority had decreed that nite and capsool were now acceptable.