To stop the epidemic, Malaysian authorities killed about a million pigs in 1999.
Also, he said, by the time doctors from Geneva arrive to take samples, local authorities "have often killed all the chickens and covered everything with lime."
When the authorities killed someone, they were prone to brag about it, trotting out their contacts in the media to film the moment for posterity.
Itdid undermine that authority, as a matter of fact, when Jamka's behavior got himself killed.
The authorities killed at least 30 people during the crackdown and arrested more than 3,000.
A police spokesman said the authorities had killed eight gunmen and captured 54 in the fighting.
The authorities then institute strict screening measures for detecting newly infected humans and quickly kill any that are found.
Palestinian authorities shoot and kill two students, one a 13-year old.
He said the authorities there had killed his mother two or three months ago.
The authorities killed the ad campaign.