Critics of commercial ownership by banks argue that such authority could lead to an overconcentration of economic power.
I want the authority to lead a search for Belisarius to the west.
Cameron makes the same case, only in his version, the authorities would lead the crackpot assassin right to her.
The French authorities deliberately led the aircraft away from the terminal and into a remote corner of the airport.
Law-enforcement authorities in New Jersey are leading the investigation into that aspect of the accident.
The many special authorities created under act of parliament led to much confusion, conflict and overlapping, and increased the need for a general reform.
The 1980s saw a series of scandals involving Zen teachers whose charismatic authority had led to misconduct.
Shaykh Ahmad's growing religious authority would eventually lead to conflict.
I agree that public authorities should lead by example, in particular through their public procurement policy.
In particular, though, the secular and ecclesiastical authorities led to exploitation and repression.