Spanish authorities who held him in custody noted he carried a Dutch passport which indicated his date of birth as June 12, 1896.
But then the authority quickly noted many criticisms and cautions.
American authorities also note the difference in police investigation powers, as well as the judiciary.
As one authority has noted, despite Wang's old age and declining influence, he had "remained an unrivaled symbol of uncompromising faith until his death."
At the same time the authorities note that defense lawyers often cite alcoholism as a mitigating circumstance in trials.
Autopsies determined the cause of death to be "blunt trauma to the head"; authorities also noted that the victims had been bound.
The station received special temporary authority during at least part of the time noted.
In 2004, the authorities noted around 1,400 houses still occupied by former refugees, and in 2005, this number was reduced to 385 housing units.
The authority notes that the permits are not valid in the city.
The authorities have also noted some important differences between Mr. Moussaoui and the other hijackers.