Minutes after the first fire was reported, authorities received another call about a truck burning behind a store.
From the 6,667 letters last week, the authority has received more than 800 responses.
Since last week, the authority has received a dozen calls seeking information but so far, no firm proposals.
Local authorities received neighborhood objections for only 14 percent of the applications.
The authority has already received 110 cars as part of the first order.
The French authorities had received the order not to interfere with the transfer.
But he said the authority had received word that both journalists were in good condition.
Officials are also beginning to plan how to spend $591 million in security money the authority recently received from the federal and state governments.
A Federal investigator last night confirmed that the authorities had received similar information.
The authority will soon receive a report from an investment bank on whether it should sell all or part of the trade center.