The authority is only selling an item if it has at least three identical ones for its permanent museum collection.
That would be almost a third more than what the authority sold last year.
During the last few years the authority has sold more than $8 billion of bonds to refinance its debt.
Similarly, if an authority sells a piece of land, the capital receipt also cannot be used to keep local taxes down.
First, the authority would sell more than $11 billion in bonds for new debt.
If all goes according to plan, by the end of the week the authority will have sold more than $3 billion of bonds.
So far, the authority has sold about 350,000 cards and those cards have been renewed at least 470,000 times.
This authority would buy oil for the stockpile or sell from it to help stabilize prices.
I do not believe that the French authorities have sold the 22.3 % of those tickets available for direct sales.
The authority will sell the homes to qualified low- and moderate-income buyers.