People tend to side with authority, and authority tends to protect its own power.
Local authorities tend to have only one significant cash book.
We have also noted that all debits and credits are not maintained separately because authorities tend to keep only one cash book.
Dueling was illegal in both states, but authorities tended to turn a blind eye to this neutral ground.
Instead the authorities have tended to concentrate on controlling interest rates and hence the demand for money.
This explains why the local authorities tend to be overprotective of foreigners once they venture outside the capital.
The authorities tend to view the idea of cultural patrimony a little differently.
The authorities tend to pick on the middle classes precisely because they are law-abiding.
The authorities couldn't uphold the laws against prostitution and tended to leave brothels alone if they didn't cause trouble.
These comedies tend to end in the country rather than the city, and authority tends to remain unacknowledged.