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Mr. Simms at the bank has shown me the authorization card.
She dug out the authorization card Lord Thornbuckle had given her.
In both cases the employer never sees the authorization cards or any information that would disclose how individual employees voted.
In order to carry such weapons outside homes, individuals or groups must have a "weapons authorization card."
It may also act as an authorization card for Uniformed Services' benefits and privileges.
They soothed the union's skepticism by gathering authorization cards from about 60 percent of the work force at the Martinsville plant.
Aliens are given temporary work authorization cards when they first apply.
Based on that, the workers will be given a 90-day temporary work authorization card and will be allowed to enter the country.
Contaminated contacts can result in rejection of the inserted payment or authorization card.
Many employers insist it is fairer to use elections rather than authorization cards to determine the level of support for a union.