We have found nothing in the history of these statutes that clearly demonstrates a congressional intent to authorize indefinite, perhaps permanent, detention.
Australian laws authorize preventive detention in a variety of circumstances.
It also authorizes detention of Iraq's merchant fleet.
In reality, a superintendent or above may authorize detention for up to thirty-six hours.
Until recently, Federal and state law authorized pretrial detention in noncapital cases only to assure a defendant's appearance at trial.
Levin has cited 'the Supreme Court' in support of his language authorizing indefinite detention (see box above).
The latter statute authorizes detention without trial on security grounds.
And four other justices rejected the notion that the resolution could be read to authorize detention of an American citizen.
Moreover, we are very concerned that the Feinstein amendment implicitly authorizes domestic military detention.
The Crime Prevention Law (No. 7 of 1954) in Jordan authorizes administrative detention.