A user could authorize other services and applications to update or access this information via the Fire Eagle API, allowing a user to update their location once and then use it on any Fire Eagle enabled-website.
Biggest Problem That is indicative of the biggest problem, many experts say: The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has ruled over the industry with a heavy hand and has been slow to authorize new services.
"A physician may be the only person outside the family who sees the older adult on a regular basis, and he or she is uniquely qualified to order confirmatory diagnostic tests such as blood tests or X-rays, to recommend hospital admission or to authorize services such as home health care."
The Library Board of Trustees is responsible for establishing library policy, authorizing services provided by the library, establishing the library budget, hiring the library director, and requesting the collection of the designated library millage.
NPE is part of the Grants for State and Community Programs on Aging, which also authorizes in-home services for frail elderly people, support services and senior center operations.
The labels have also authorized several services to offer a kind of online lease program for music: subscribers pay a flat $10 a month to listen to as many as half a million tracks as often as they want over the Internet, rather than storing them on a computer or burning them to a CD.
Marty had completed the form and signed it, automatically authorizing "all necessary dental services."
While the conferees will make clear that states cannot provide vouchers with money they receive under welfare block grants, however, the states could finance them under a separate law that authorizes social services for the poor.
However, states could finance them under a separate law that authorizes social services for poor.