But by allowing them to remain in the Medicare program, the Administration authorized differential treatment and a different set of benefits.
Since the law passed, Dr. Root said, he has had difficulty persuading insurers to authorize needed treatment for his patients.
In 1875, Queen's became a free hospital, abandoning the previous system whereby the hospital's financial supporters issued "subscriber's tickets" to authorize treatment.
Those who are taking medication are said to fit better into the guidelines for "medical necessity," which these companies use to decide whether to authorize continuing treatment.
In 1927, Navy Regulations authorized dental treatment to officers and men on the retired list; before that only enlisted were treated.
Dr. AndrusTaurus needs you to authorize treatment with bacteria paper.
Nor should relatives have to decide whether to authorize extraordinary treatment to sustain the life of a loved one.
The H.M.O. would not authorize treatment at Memorial.
But the question of who authorized such treatment remains largely unanswered.
The extra paperwork is annoying, doctors say, but even worse, companies occasionally refuse to authorize treatment that a doctor thinks to be neccesary.