In particular, he did not authorize an English translation until 1967.
The Texas Legislature authorized the selling of $200,000 of time warrants to tide the district over until the end of the school year.
However, Congress did not authorize the production of stamps until 1847, so postmasters made provisional issues.
Court authorized his detention until 9 February 2013.
This Act authorized the continuation of the Parole Commission until November 1, 2002.
I won't authorize another session until tomorrow evening, soonest.
However, Meigs did not formally authorize establishment of burials until June 15, 1864.
He did not formally ask the divisional president to authorize purchase of a complete new system until January.
The school admitted its first female student in 1917, although the state legislature did not officially authorize attendance by women until 1920.
The Council resolution authorizes the deployment until Sept. 1.