States and tribal governments are authorized to seek injunctive relief and civil penalties directly in federal court.
No agents or solicitors are authorized to seek contributions for The New York Times 9/11 Neediest Fund.
"That my orders go far, madame; and that I am authorized to seek for the suspected paper, even on the person of your Majesty."
The office said that only counties were authorized to seek such audits, and told reporters that the request was an effort to undermine voter confidence.
Q. Now, my next question is you've indicated that the national security advisers, for whom you worked, authorized you to seek support from foreign countries, both financial and operational?
He said that the two firms are scheduled to come back with a report by Dec. 20 but are not authorized to seek buyers.
If a film on the list is sold or shown without the required notice, the Librarian is authorized to seek a court order to require compliance.
Once the administrative efforts were exhausted, parents were then authorized to seek judicial review of the administration's decision.
Nevertheless, Marcellus was elected consul once again and was authorized to seek a decisive engagement with Hannibal in the following year.
Q. And I take it that it was your understanding, from what you've just said, that quite to the contrary, you were authorized to seek money from foreign countries?