Discovery Finding Reason For Social Gaffes In recent years, a growing awareness about autism has led to a sharp increase in children receiving special services for their autism disorders.
Many children aren't diagnosed with an autism disorder until preschool or even kindergarten, and may miss getting the help they need in the early years.
It found that children of men who became a father at 40 or older were 5.75 times as likely to have an autism disorder as those whose fathers were younger than 30.
People with autism disorders can be accepted if they're able to depend on themselves.
He started regressing and ultimately was diagnosed with pervasive developmental disorder, which falls into a spectrum of autism disorders.
Autism Guide The Autism Guide at Discovery Health covers autism disorders, diagnosis, treatments and resources.
Since then it has become a frighteningly common affliction, with the Centers for Disease Control reporting recently that autism disorders now affect almost 1 percent of children.
Marilyn J. Monteiro, Ph.D. is a psychologist who specializes in evaluating and diagnosing children on the spectrum of autism disorders.
In several cases, the syndrome was identified with the child, because of an autism disorder or another problem, and later it appeared that the parent was affected as well.
Genetics links between five major psychiatric disorders: autism, ADHD, bipolar disorder, depression, and schizophrenia per recent study.