But they all share a defining trait: They are what autism researchers call "mind blind."
The consensus among mainstream autism researchers is that genetic factors predominate.
He currently lives in San Diego, California with his wife, also an autism researcher, Karen Pierce, PhD, and their family.
Despite the dire headlines, probably the strongest finding to come out of the study is that autism researchers might do well to expand their areas of investigation.
Leo Kanner, child psychiatrist and autism researcher, died there on April 3, 1981.
Early diagnosis has long been a goal of autism researchers, who theorize that the condition results from brain abnormalities that develop before birth.
Bernard Rimland, 78, American autism researcher, prostate cancer.
Michelle Dawson (born 1961) is an individual diagnosed with autism and an autism researcher.
Health asked leading autism researchers to help us figure it out.
Baron Cohen's cousin, Simon, is an internationally renowned autism researcher.