Hypothetically, this difference in processing may exacerbate autistic symptoms.
Parents may first become aware of autistic symptoms in their child around the time of a routine vaccination.
Several metabolic defects, such as phenylketonuria, are associated with autistic symptoms.
In 1944, after the publication of his landmark paper describing autistic symptoms, he found a permanent tenured post at the University of Vienna.
Patients often show autistic symptoms.
The test continues to be studied to identify milder autistic symptoms.
Raun eventually started displaying autistic symptoms and was later diagnosed as severely autistic.
It is more usual for autistic neurological development to not include such aberrations, with age-appropriate autistic symptoms being clear from birth.
The majority of tested individuals have moderate to severe autistic symptoms and do not display high levels of intellectual disability.
A few examples of autistic symptoms and treatments were described long before autism was named.