After the defeat of the auto bailout in the Senate, Chrysler stated that they would most likely file for bankruptcy and shut down all operations permanently.
Take the auto bailouts, which saved GM and Chrysler from bankruptcy.
Polls taken in December, 2008, when the auto bailouts were first mooted, showed even less support for them.
The eatery cited its 8% increase in 2011 sales to the auto bailout in June 2011 stop of Barack Obama's reelection campaign.
Much like the auto bailouts and hurricane coverage, people must pay the cost of their decisions.
But on the auto bailout, for instance, Goolsbee was a more skeptical voice, at least initially.
Most of this spending - the stimulus, the auto bailout, the mortgage cramdown - have been in an effort to help our ailing economy.
I perk up a bit when Steve Rattner delivers a spirited defense of the auto bailout, which was started under Bush and completed under Obama.
The early bailouts would have been the same, essentially, though the UAW would have benefitted less from the auto bailouts.
However, two polls taken three years after the event show that Americans did eventually support the auto bailout.