There he has been working to perfect an auto engine that could burn natural gas as well as oil.
It's like something akin to flooding an auto engine.
Following the trip Sunnen returned home to build his manufacturing business around the auto engine rebuilding trade.
Although originally designed for the Lycoming O-320 a number of people have successfully fitted auto (car) engines.
One center is seeking new uses for ceramics - extremely hard, heat-resistant materials - in computers, auto engines and aerospace equipment.
The advent of the stern drive propulsion leg improved design so that auto engines could easily power boats.
Marine engine production starts in 1992, auto engines in 1993.
Like auto engines in the 20th century, computer chips will not be denied their pre-eminence in the 21st.
"They switched on their lights just now and I think I heard an auto engine from way back along there."
In addition to the anatomical kits, he also designed a working model of a V-8 auto engine that could be assembled from plastic parts.