He also published a series of autobiographical articles during the war, later reprinted in book form as Far Off Things.
Adams was homosexual, as discussed in his autobiographical article reprinted in Chess Pride.
This was an ordeal he also recounted in a partly autobiographical article 'The Word in the Field'.
Includes three novels, 23 short stories and some autobiographical articles by Nesbit, also rules for magic, life as a Victorian/Edwardian child, adventures, etc.
An autobiographical article Salter wrote for Esquire in 1986 inspired him to begin the memoir.
The script is based on an autobiographical article by Benjamin Prüfer.
For more details about her personal and professional life see her autobiographical article.
An extended autobiographical article in The Guardian, Friday 28 October 2011: Retrieved 1 November 2011.
In 1907 his third wife, Emeline, wrote a biography of his life, using his diaries and autobiographical articles he had published in the Morning Star.
Planetary Projection - a site containing autobiographical articles by projectionists.