However, the band believed "Vegetable Man", with its autobiographical lyrics, was unsuitable for inclusion and so it was left off the album.
As a result, the album contained mostly autobiographical lyrics about her emotions and reminiscences of her career.
The song "Magic Man" was written about Michael and contains autobiographical lyrics about the beginning of their relationship.
The album is characterised by electropop themes and autobiographical lyrics.
The album contained autobiographical and sober lyrics.
While the success of the single cannot be faulted, the autobiographical lyrics contain a good degree of poetic license.
Its autobiographical lyrics weigh the choices of abortion and birth for a woman impregnated by Common.
Anyone can relate to his autobiographical lyrics expressing the spiritual crisis of someone determined not to succumb to the pervasive nihilism of the age.
Rufus, by contrast, shies away from blatently autobiographical lyrics.
The autobiographical and introspective lyrics helped to earn the album its critical praise.