He also provides autobiographical writing, art criticism, photo essays, and poetry.
All autobiographical writing must deliver first a credible portrait of the main character.
Much of Wideman's personal life has been made public either by his autobiographical writing or by the press.
An anthology of autobiographical writings by 25 19th- and 20th-century American women.
With very few exceptions, there aren't autobiographical writings on the inner life in the East.
Despite his own autobiographical writings, most people still know him only for his books in English and have little perception of the man himself.
There can be major biographical and autobiographical writing, long or short, about relatively minor subjects.
It's not that I'm against autobiographical writing I just generally don't think it makes good, or true, fiction.
Quinney is also the author of several books that combine photography with autobiographical writing.
It is at this point that my autobiographical writing differs from my life, however similar they both may be.