The second generation of autofocus cameras from Pentax.
You will also learn some valuable tips about preventing the main causes of blurred pictures when using an autofocus camera.
Many autofocus cameras also use a servomechanism to accurately move the lens, and thus adjust the focus.
Being an autofocus camera, it has two autofocus modes, and an option for manual focusing.
The focus shift usually goes unnoticed as they are mounted on autofocus cameras that will automatically refocus.
Nikon's F3AF was a highly specialized autofocus camera.
It was the first autofocus camera to be produced by Nikon.
In the 1920's and 1930's, he invented color X-rays and a self-portrait photo machine that eventually incorporated his own autofocus camera.
With an autofocus camera, you can shoot yourself at arm's length.
During the 1990s, the F-801s sat at the top of the company's consumer range of autofocus cameras, which also included the F-401 and F-601.