More religious scepticism in the form of an autographed manuscript of Robert Burns's 1785 satire on Calvinist predestination and hypocrisy, Holy Willy's Prayer.
Other major sections include autographed manuscripts, postmarks by state and patriotic covers.
Unlike Bach's solo violin sonatas, no autographed manuscript survives, thus ruling out the use of an urtext performing edition.
However, the autographed manuscript contains "Missa in tempore belli" in Haydn's own handwriting, showing no doubt that this was the intended title from the beginning.
This exhibition of more than 300 works features illuminated manuscripts, rare printed books and autographed manuscripts; it is the first comprehensive display of the younger Morgan's collecting achievement.
The autographed manuscripts for the "Messa" and "Dixit Dominus" are now at the Bodleian Library, Oxford.
It is the only flute sonata for which an autographed manuscript survives (which is currently held in the British Library).
The discoverer of the piece, Ludwig Nohl, affirmed that the original autographed manuscript, now lost, was dated 27 April 1810.
The auction house confirmed that the family was disputing the ownership of the autographed manuscript, presumed lost since its completion in 1908.
There are also numerous autographed manuscripts of writers, great and not-so-great.