A passenger can dial 480- plus the 4-digit number to hear an automated message telling them exactly when the next bus on each route servicing that stop will depart, based on the information calculated above.
At the end of Oni's speech, it's revealed that it is an automated message, Oni herself is dead.
For toons who use foul or violent language, an automated message will occur.
TracMe simply beacons an automated message on a short-range FRS or UHF CB frequency.
It's an automated message- no details, just a request for emergency assistance.
It rang several times and LuAnn thought she would probably get the standard automated message.
CITY TAX 24-HOUR LINE After one ring, a caller was switched to a five-minute-long automated message with no option to speak to a person.
As the ship orbits the planet, it triggers an automated recorded message, from the Commercial Council of Magrathea, that notes that Magrathea is currently closed for business, and to leave.
For a period of three months after July 28, people who dial the current seven digit numbers will receive an automated recorded message asking them to dial again with the correct new eight digit number.
This is an important automated message from the Cyberpest Organization that is being issued exclusively to people in New Jersey.