Perhaps partly to lessen these dangers, some companies are varying their approaches to automatic enrollment.
In 401(k) plans, automatic enrollment has tended to increase participation rates to more than nine out of ten eligible employees.
In automatic enrollment, the initial percentage of pay to be set aside is left to the employer's discretion.
Medicare has an enrollment rate of more than 95 percent, largely thanks to simple, almost automatic enrollment.
Personal accounts, automatic enrolment and the minimum employer contribution will be new policies joining these from 2012.
The economists looked at data from three employers that offered automatic enrollment in 401(k) plans.
The administration is considering whether to allow automatic enrollment for other low-income Medicare beneficiaries.
She also worked as a legislative advisor, especially in the subject of automatic electoral enrollment and voluntary vote.
The employer may have to contribute in certain automatic enrollment 401(k) plans.
We should at least welcome the government's introduction of automatic enrolment into workplace pension schemes from 2012.