The $23 billion in automatic reductions, half in the military budget, would cut many programs to below their 1987 spending levels.
The bill includes an automatic reduction in subsidies, and thus insurance coverage, if spending is about to exceed receipts.
Look for the automatic 20% reduction when you trade in an old pair of sneakers of any brand.
The % reduction for the spouse should be applied after the automatic 50% reduction.
Besides the money, the Illinois settlement called for procedures to end automatic reductions of fees to doctors by Cigna's computer programs.
When the 60-month period ends and the cost has been paid off, will I get an automatic reduction in my rent?
The automatic reductions were designed to be severe enough to avoid this situation.
Some have benefited from automatic, cost-free reductions provided by adjustable-rate mortgages.
Paragraph 4 of that same article establishes an automatic annual reduction on the penalty clause.
Amongst such measures, he proposes the automatic reduction of quotas.