Having automatic synchronization means that yum cannot fail due to the user failing to run a command at the correct interval.
Thus, the COM run-time provides automatic synchronization to ensure that each method call of an object is always executed to completion before another is invoked.
With all the preliminaries done, the main window opens and automatic synchronization of your music collection begins.
MyNotex can be set to perform automatic synchronization when a file is opened or closed.
The main stepswitch for the automatic synchronization of the thrust output stood one mark above zero value.
"ACT" provides automatic synchronization of receiver and transmitter frequencies, commonly known as "sync".
To copy music from two computers, you need to change the iPod's preferences to manual updating instead of automatic synchronization.
The sequence of events is similar for manual or automatic synchronization.
Special purpose radio time signal stations transmit a signal that allows automatic synchronization of clocks, and commercial broadcasters still include time signals in their programming.
The shortwave transmissions are primarily intended for human reception, while the longwave stations are generally used for automatic synchronization of watches and clocks.