Picking up the phone again, he listened for it to automatically dial through.
Most of these numbers are dialed automatically, so the sales jockey already has the called name and number on his display screen.
The phone will automatically dial the number of a local taxi firm.
And for the more impaired, phones are set so that they automatically dial a programmed number when any button is pushed.
These programs keep lists, set priorities for projects, automatically dial phone calls, serve as address books and offer reminders of appointments.
The system can recognize numbers that are articulated precisely, and can then automatically dial the phone.
On many older phones in the United States, pushing and holding down the number '9' key will cause the phone to automatically dial 911.
Using special software and a modem, a computer can be programmed to automatically dial a long list of phone numbers.
The computer will automatically dial the other person.
Repeat Dialing automatically keeps trying a busy number for up to 30 minutes.