At low speed, this provides the driver with the same single-wheel steering as a conventional tractor, but automatically disables at higher speeds to prevent accidental application.
A "smart" child's seat, with a sensor that automatically disables the passenger-side air bag when it is in use, is available from dealers.
Moving or renaming files may automatically disable sharing.
It automatically disables itself if the disk free space is too low for it to operate.
By signing up, schools automatically disable certain features, including the ability to make comments on posted videos, and other distractions to student learning, YouTube announced.
Since the Powerball is unaffected by magnets, the game will automatically disable Battle the Power whenever it senses that this ball is on the field.
It even detects and automatically disables incompatible kexts for you.
These injection devices automatically disable after removal from the patient.
The warhead automatically disables itself when the missile nears the end of its range, up to 50 miles, allied officers said.
It automatically disables the original i486SX processor and usurps power in the computer equivalent of a coup d'etat.