Recognition signals were being exchanged automatically over the data link transceivers.
Match reports are critical for systems that wish to automatically exchange data such as intelligent software agents.
It has 13 modules and can even be used with the Windows Dynamic Data Exchange feature, meaning that it can automatically exchange information with other Windows programs.
However, when members of the communities allow their computers to automatically exchange information, issues of trust and privacy intervene.
Their self-imposed challenge had been to eliminate much of the paperwork in the supply chain by automatically exchanging electronic forecasts, orders and invoices with customers and paying them by computer without human intervention.
The APD-518 datalink enables a flight of four MiG-31 to automatically exchange radar-generated data within 200 km (124 mi) from each other.
In 1985, CUSSN developed CUSSNet CUSSNet, a PC and FidoNet based networking system that automatically exchanged emails between members each night during off-peak telephone hours.
All of these services are based on a new way of describing items on the Web known as XML, or extensible markup language, which makes it possible for Internet programs to automatically exchange information, even if their formats are incompatible.
I am aware that the most controversial point of the discussions in the committees has been Amendment 20, fixing an end to the transitional period during which three Member States are allowed to levy a withholding tax in place of automatically exchanging information.
Also, on August 19, 2012 Mars Express orbiter automatically exchanged data with both Curiosity and Opportunity in one orbit, its first double contact.