In addition, players who were not present at the board at the commencement of a round automatically forfeited the game.
Anyone in line for a government post who does not provide a declaration or provides false information will automatically forfeit that post.
If a captain correctly buzzes in with the correct answer first then their team wins, but an incorrect answer automatically forfeits the game.
As a result, he automatically forfeited his seat in Parliament.
Having missed two sessions already, being absent from a third without leave would automatically forfeit their seats.
Overtaking the lead car under grip conditions automatically forfeits that pass.
On the third year of reserve, the recipient will automatically forfeit any remaining years of tenure.
Any one engaging in such criminal activity inside another's premises should automatically forfeit any standard 'Rights' they have as law abiding citizens.
The rest of the population automatically forfeits all land rights.
If we had attempted to ignore that clause his soul would have been forfeited automatically.