The Uragan complex was designed to automatically guide the interceptor to its target, perform the attack, and withdrawal from action.
Calhoun, stirred from his reverie even as he automatically guided the sailskipper with ease, looked where Moke was indicating.
The concept was the basis of winning a $750,000 US Army contract to develop a radar system to automatically guide a drone aircraft.
He automatically guided the blade of the razor through the lather on the lower half of his face and watched it leave a clean path in its wake.
Also, he has a robotic right eye that can automatically guide and maneuver his vehicle through traffic and other obstructions for him.
In the Neurofunctional approach this "doing" is structured using an errorless learning approach and repetition to develop "internalized performance models" intended to automatically guide future performance.
Since the parent will automatically guide the baby's life, the only care it needs from you is medicine in the case of sickness.
He automatically guided the Robotech machine so that it leaned down toward the girl.
The boat slid along the surface, guided automatically along the center of the channel.
Their MA-1 system combined signals from the aircraft's radar with an analog computer to automatically guide the interceptor aircraft into the proper position for firing missiles.