Jinni's Movie Genome has a taxonomy created by film professionals, while titles are automatically indexed using a mixture of metadata and reviews and a proprietary Natural Language Processing solution to assign semantic tags to content and users.
While not automatically indexed for inflation until a change in the law in early 2013, the exemption had been increased by Congress many times.
For years, Brazil's wages have been automatically indexed upward to keep pace with inflation.
Whenever a user visits a website, it is automatically indexed and distributed to the network.
Because pages are automatically indexed upon being visited, updates to the index are nearly instant.
PDF and TIFF documents can also be annotated and supplied with keywords, and are then automatically indexed using OS X's system-wide Spotlight search engine.
News story retrieval by such search was instantaneous because each story was automatically indexed by all its words when it came in over the wire.
Airtels are indexed automatically by a ZyIndex searchable database, which stores and retrieves full text documents.
All database content is indexed automatically and completely for fast structured, unstructured and semi-structured search.
The entries are automatically indexed and can be viewed subsequently as detailed lists (how detailed depends on your perseverance); as simpler lists that face pages with other information, including a photograph of the establishment if you have taken one with a digital camera or scanned or downloaded one, and various other formats.