Five seconds later, the automatically inflating life preserver did its job.
We were wearing flight suits that inflate automatically to squeeze the lower body and force circulation up to keep blood flowing to the head.
Also during that time, Winter invented a life jacket that would automatically inflate if it came in contact with water.
The lifeboat capsized too, but the air bag automatically inflated.
His life raft had deployed from his seat on impact and inflated automatically.
Their life preservers were designed to inflate automatically when they hit salt water.
Below, the package was inflating automatically at the touch of the water.
His full-body G suit automatically inflated to keep him from passing out.
When in doubt, he will fire the balloon, which inflates automatically and travels at a speed somewhat greater than the ship's velocity.
Some are even automatically inflating (up to a certain pressure-some additional inflation is also needed) just by opening the valve.