He measured automatically, five feet from the floor, capturing Hayes' gesture.
A sensor in the car automatically measures the mixture in the tank and adjusts the engine to compensate.
The JMA reports the earthquake level based on the ground acceleration, measured automatically with seismic intensity meters.
The children were then taught a relaxation game and a memory game and fitted with a device that automatically measures blood pressure.
A macro function then automatically measured the average gray value at each position along the longitudinal axis of the nerve including the crush.
These devices will automatically measure and adjust the solution as needed.
Visio's drawing grid allows me to set the scale to any common measurement or unit, and it automatically measures the lines with great precision.
Other variations include double syringe-type packages which automatically measure equal parts.
Automatic refractometers automatically measure the refractive index of a sample.
It could be combined with the additional Elfe device to automatically measure the target distance and fire the guns at a pre-set range.