This Megafortress has the capability of automatically monitoring its fuel system and electrical panel, so it frees the co-pilot to help out.
The notebook program can automatically monitor and collect data from other sources, like a computerized news wire.
Additionally, the system automatically monitors the calls made by each room and provides a summary report on each guest.
While the cuff is inflated, the tourniquet system automatically monitors and maintains the pressure chosen by the user.
Currently she is developing a reading system to automatically monitor consumption of electricity, gas and water across building complexes.
Such tools include software that can be used to automatically monitor control effectiveness and information systems activity.
The system allows operators to track multiple suspects at once and can automatically monitor user-designated zones.
Up to date readings are available for the 51 sites monitored automatically and continuously via the Department of Environment, Malaysia.
These systems automatically monitor the interior to tell when the cremation process is complete, after which the furnace automatically shuts down.
Carole's eyes automatically monitored the traffic in the side corridors, watching the to and fro motion of the humanity on her tiny planet.