Why do I often get redirected to a new site automatically?
You will be automatically redirected to the www.senate.gov home page after 10 seconds.
You should be automatically redirected after a few seconds to the new page.
After this, you will be automatically redirected to the poker game.
If you are not automatically redirected to a new page, please click here.
At one point they also owned www.thesmithsareguilty.com which automatically redirected you to the www.thesmithsareinnocent.com website.
If you are not automatically redirected to the new page, please click the link above.
Calls to that personal number are automatically redirected to any phone number in the world.
Also, all calls dialed using the old 7-digit version of the phone number are automatically redirected to a voice message with information about the change.
If you are not automatically redirected in 20 seconds or experience difficulties, please click here.