They do not include dividends automatically reinvested in mutual fund shares.
This is the original purchase price plus the interest that has been compounding at the original issue yield and automatically reinvested in the bond.
Can dividends be reinvested automatically?
And, as the name implies, the dividends are reinvested automatically.
They do not include dividends automatically reinvested in mutual funds.
All the track is doing is saving the bettor trips to the window by automatically reinvesting winnings from race to race.
Automatic income reinvestment: In a fund, income from all bonds can be reinvested automatically and consistently added to the value of the fund.
Vanguard automatically reinvests dividends in its index fund at no charge.
The sales figures do not include dividends automatically reinvested in fund shares.
Few funds, no matter how poor their performance, failed to distribute capital gains, which are taxable to shareholders even if automatically reinvested.