Red to orange to yellow to green, as the weapons reloaded automatically, and the red row at the top reappeared.
It will automatically reload this information if it changes.
The Stony Man warriors reloaded automatically when their weapons blew back empty.
The ammunition was swiftly and automatically reloaded from a magazine below deck, by turning the tubes 90 vertically.
The shotgun used in the game no longer requires the traditional "point off-screen" reload, but rather reloads automatically.
Each pull of the trigger fires single round; the rifle reloads automatically.
Some crews went on reloading almost automatically, faltered and ran down, peering in bewilderment.
This saves your work to disk, logs off before letting things die, and automatically reloads memory when power is restored.
A semiautomatic weapon fires one round each time the trigger is pulled but automatically reloads the chamber.
I reloaded automatically without removing the rifle from my shoulder.