The office handles over 2,000 calls a day, most routed automatically to the recording information system.
The system also provides automatic call routing, which means citizens are automatically routed to the correct 911 center for their political jurisdiction.
The calls are routed automatically to a business telephone line in Ms. Paul's home.
Callers are automatically routed to a state-run quitline, if one exists in their area.
An electronic letter sent from your on-line service will be automatically routed to any other Internet user anywhere in the world.
For example, in a manufacturing setting, a design document might be automatically routed from designer to a technical director to the production engineer.
Well, it went, it was automatically routed into their junk email folders.
It must have routed through the starbase automatically to subspace.
Calls to the number are automatically routed to the poison control center that covers the territory from which the call is placed.
All command functions have been automatically routed to the battle bridge.