He learnt that the commercial banks wanted equipment to automatically sort cheques to replace the large number of staff engaged in cheque sorting.
The developers of the luxury property had already planned a wine cellar and wine-tasting room, leather walls, personal garbage systems, which automatically sort the recycling.
In their workings, filters are no different from the software that companies use to automatically sort e-mail messages, a job they perform with tolerable accuracy.
They provided folders for organizing bookmarks, and some services automatically sorted bookmarks into folders (with varying degrees of accuracy).
Opera Mail can also use Bayesian filtering to automatically sort messages into other views.
Personal messaging improvements including ability to automatically sort incoming messages and a variety of display options.
Such devices would automatically sort Westchester's mail down to the carrier level, Mr. Coven said.
Among other functions, a pivot-table can automatically sort, count, total or give the average of the data stored in one table or spreadsheet.
Here was where spydots hidden in Hanson products transmitted their clandestine information, everything recorded, checked for voiceprint identification, then read and sorted automatically.
The player seamlessly integrates with your music library to automatically sort songs by album and artist.