The men's eyes automatically swivelled left to the women's section at a tasteful thirty yards' distance.
Sensors feed information about speed and turning angle to the headlights, which automatically swivel with the car and follow the road.
Jinny felt her breath stop as her eyes swivelled automatically to look at the Hare-woman.
Often it'll automatically swivel to point you in entirely the wrong direction.
The sensors on a half dozentenars screamed and weapons automatically swiveled towards the source of the fire.
Barrett heard it, too, and automatically swiveled his head in the right direction.
Her hips swivelled automatically to reach for more.
Michelle answered on the second ring, and her gaze swiveled automatically toward Jenny.
Sten broke into a run as the trundle automatically swiveled away.
A mini-cam bolted to the periscope standard swivelled automatically to whichever console operator was speaking.