Our receiving system automatically tuned to the direction of the source, and now McAndrew increased the gain to maximum.
Developed by Chris Adams, its most notable feature is that it uses an onboard computer to automatically tune itself.
The headstock is fitted with custom-built motorized machine heads that automatically tune the guitar.
Once an engine has an opening database, many will automatically tune it after each game they play.
The algorithms provided in Waffles also have the ability to automatically tune their own parameters (with the cost of additional computational overhead).
Adaptive algorithms are often used to automatically tune these notch filters.
As soon as he bent over it, he automatically tuned in to this energy, and felt it responding.
This technique allowed KnightCap to automatically tune the weights applied to the various features in its evaluation function based on the games it played.
It collects the 'profile' information which is later used to automatically tune the query on subsequent executions.
DAB radios automatically tune to all the available stations, offering a list for the user to select from.