The tests can be used in research and development to test properties like durability in plastic automobile bumpers.
Cans, banana peels, coffee grounds, automobile bumpers, and soiled sheets formed a mountain of refuse.
They are wearing their lapels bare and their automobile bumpers uncovered.
Stickers placed on automobile bumpers, called bumper stickers, are often used by individuals as a way of demonstrating support for political or ideological causes.
The resin is a key ingredient in high-performance plastics used in such products as automobile bumpers, refrigerator parts and packaging.
Closer inspection reveals that these oblongs, one 120 feet long and the other a bit smaller, contain bits of automobile bumpers.
Such an invention might be used, for instance, to repair automobile bumpers as simply as turning on an electrical switch.
For a while there had been a thriving trade in antique automobile bumpers, but the war had interrupted that.
Both sides agree that the measure would undoubtedly cover things like automobile bumpers and fenders, even if these are not innovative in any profound sense.
After the war, the plant manufactured automobile bumpers.