In 1909, working in a room in his home, he designed a bending machine for forming the mudledge of automobile fenders.
It is, in effect, an effort to beat swords into automobile fenders.
They are commonly used to spread the load on thin sheet metal, and are named after their use on automobile fenders.
New York trees are then treated to frequent visitation by automobile fenders and neighborhood pets.
The measure would affect almost every kind of product sold in the United States, from designer sunglasses to automobile fenders, although clothing would be exempt.
The company originally manufactured automobile fenders and other stamped auto body parts for the automobile industry.
Pontoon fenders are a type of automobile fender.
After welding an automobile fender on the kitchen table, he prepares to sit down to a solitary dinner.
Sometimes those faces can become as dented as automobile fenders.
Further potential applications include self-repairing structural components, such as e.g. automobile fenders in which dents are repaired by application of temperature.