Light is optically scattered in the skin, like automobile headlights in fog.
Instead, he was in the focus of automobile headlights.
They gazed ahead, and there, seen in the glare of the automobile headlights, was an immense, dark body approaching them from across a level field.
Two automobile headlights appeared on a hillside three miles away.
There was no electric power, so the doctors worked by light from automobile headlights.
Less paranormal explanations include swamp gas, and automobile headlights filtering through the trees.
The tank had been painted white, the cannon removed and the machine guns replaced with automobile headlights.
Eighty or a hundred feet down the bank, almost hidden by the thick foliage, was the yellow glow of automobile headlights.
Auburn left the stand, picked up a cardboard carton, opened it and took out an automobile headlight.
However, research suggests that most, if not all, are atmospheric reflections of automobile headlights and campfires.